What is a runner? How do I use it?

Technically a runner is a long, thin, rectangular shaped cloth that sits in the center of your table.

Use a runner on a dining table, to put under a centerpiece or candles; use them in the bedroom as a dresser scarf, or on a side table where you'd like a bit of color. We also make bed runners - a decorative element that personalizes your bed (bed runners are sized according to the size of the mattress.

 Of course, runners come in all sizes.

How long a runner should you buy? It depends upon the size of the place you're going to put it, and how you want it to look. 

For example, a dresser scarf might just be a small patch of color in the center top of the dresser; or it might run nearly edge to edge; or even hang down the sides.

On a table, you have the same options, but usually if you're going to seat someone at the end of a rectangular table, the runner should not hang over the ends. Though some runners may be designed to actually function as place mats for the people seated on the ends!

If you have a very small table, a small runner (rectangular or square) will look great.